Lost in translation

IT’S a very impressive service, the translation into 11 different languages offered by the digital version of The Herald newspaper.

And presuming that the translating takes place using a nifty piece of software, rather than a native speaker, it is no surprise that the odd sentence can get a bit ‘lost in translation’, as a recent review by restaurant critic, Ron McKenna, reveals.

Following the latest review, on Saturday, a Swedish fan of allmediascotland.com shares with us how some of McKenna’s well-crafted prose turned out…

English: Culinary equivalent of tying an albatross around your neck. Swedish translation: Snogging the culinary equivalent of tying of an albatross around yours.

English: Stir-fried greens with stir-fried king prawns. Swedish translation: Stir-fried lawn with resurrection fried king prawns.