Bella Caledonia website launching occasional print journal

THE Scots website, Bella Caledonia – which describes itself as ‘Scotland’s premier alternative media website’ – is this weekend launching the first of what it hopes to become an occasional print journal.

Says Bella Caledonia, of Closer: “Blurring the edges between new and old media, between print and online, the project aims to give a space for lengthier features and act as an outreach to a new audience beyond regular online readers.”

It adds: “Issue one covers energy justice, DIY politics, peer to peer production values, demilitarisation, issues around enforced wilderness and the hacker ethos, all in the framework of ‘imagining the new Scotland’. Contributions come from Jose Ramos and Dougald Hine, the driving force behind the Dark Mountain project, as well as Lesley Riddoch, Robin McAlpine, Kevin Williamson and others.”

A statement from Bella Caledonia quotes publishing assistant, Gus Abraham, as saying: “Our aim would be to have it as a collaborative off-shoot of the main site, publishing a few times in the next year – a sort of seasonal flourishing in print. The problem with blogs is also that they can end up just being echo chambers, so innovation and changing the audience is good to keep things moving.”

The new venture launches on Saturday, with a party, in Edinburgh.

For more details, click here.