Find and be found

OUR media directory is where to source media talent and products and services aimed at the media industry. The search choice is yours: Choose your own wording or use our dropdown menu of products and services or scroll through the randomised listing of directory entries.

Media Directory:

WE are an independent, straightforward Scottish jobs site.

We cover thousands of jobs across Scotland from Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen to St Andrews, Falkirk and Airdrie and throughout.

The jobs we list encompass public and private sectors, and every industry and level.

We offer competitive packages to recruiters and employers to ensure our the best jobs reach our job seekers and we look after those who are seeking a new role by ensuring they have up to date and comprehensive jobs to search, and valuable resources to support every step of their career.

During its seven years so far, has refreshed the Scottish employment sector – offering recruiters affordable job listing and advertising solutions across every region of the country to reach the growing audience the site is now attracting.

Contact details

Telephone (1): 08453664204