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OUR media directory is where to source media talent and products and services aimed at the media industry. The search choice is yours: Choose your own wording or use our dropdown menu of products and services or scroll through the randomised listing of directory entries.

Christopher Snelgrove

HIJOBS is the ‘go to’ website for people looking for employment in the Highlands and Islands.

HIJOBS has a database of employers who regularly post job vacancies throughout the Highlands and Islands and we encourage anyone searching for a job or considering a move to a more rural location to see what great opportunities are on offer.

We connect candidates with employers in rural communities across Scotland, giving those living outwith more populated areas the best possible employment opportunities.

Contact details

Telephone (1): 0131 659 9841
Twitter: @highjobs
Postal address: Suite 5 20 High Street Fort William PH33 6AT