Our media mailing list – tick just the once

WE begin by pointing out what we believe to be an improvement to the instructions when posting your release on the site – and thanks to Kelly at Voluntary Arts Scotland for her input.

When you say Yes to the invite to forward your release on – say to local newspapers, radio stations and websites – you are presented with a list of boxes, to tick or not, as you see fit.

For Aberdeenshire, say, it’s quite a long list. And there, you’ll find The Press and Journal.

In fact, you’ll see The Press and Journal appearing in several geographies, because it has such an extensive reach.

So, tick the P&J just the once, unless you want it to receive your release more than once – which is not advisable.

And the media outlets that appear more than once across all our forwarding options are now summarised in the note, ‘Read here how it works’.

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