Media Release: Gaelic media apprenticeship opens for applications


APPLICATIONS from aspiring media professionals are now being accepted for the next BBC Gaelic Apprenticeship programme.

Operated by BBC Scotland and Glasgow Kelvin College – and supported by MG ALBA, the Gaelic Media Service – the 2017/2018 course will be the second time the Gaelic apprenticeship has been offered alongside the BBC Scotland apprenticeship, which is about to enter its seventh programme.

The successful candidate will be supported by MG ALBA and will have the opportunity to work across Gaelic platforms such as BBC ALBA and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

In doing so, the candidate will have the chance to gain experience in many of the departments providing content to the channel, including children’s, news-gathering, factual and sport.

With BBC ALBA also accounting for around 50 per cent of the total programme making output from Scotland’s independent production sector, there will also be the opportunity for the apprentice to spend time working with a number of the channel’s independent programme suppliers.

The busy schedule will also see apprentices spending two days per month at Glasgow Kelvin College learning many of the technical and vocational skills they might require in the broadcast media industry, as well as personal development and core skills.

There will also be the opportunity for the apprentice to spend time on placement at the Creative Industries Media Centre in Stornoway – home of MG ALBA and BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

Calum Ferguson has been undertaking the BBC Gaelic Apprenticeship since September, the first person to do so. Calum has gained a wealth of experience, spending placements with leading independent companies such as Bees Nees Media, as well as time within various BBC departments. In the near future, Calum has placements organised with BBC Sport and Sky Sports.

Calum said: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on BBC Scotland’s Gaelic apprenticeship scheme. I have experienced an incredible range of opportunities in such a short period of time and I am looking forward to the rest of my time here. It is a unique chance for keen young Gaelic speakers and I couldn’t recommend it enough.”

In addition to the Gaelic apprenticeship, ten BBC Scotland apprenticeships are also available and by September this year, 61 young people will have already completed this exciting apprenticeship over the previous six programmes.

The apprenticeship has provided a springboard to careers in TV production and journalism, with some of the former young students going onto degrees in higher education and others moving onto further work at the BBC or other media production organisations.

Iseabail Mactaggart, director of Strategy and Partnership at MG ALBA, said: “This is our second year of supporting a Gaelic apprenticeship within the BBC Scotland apprenticeship programme and we are pleased once again to enable training for the next generation of media professionals.

“The apprenticeship provides an excellent route into the industry and the successful candidate will learn skills across a wide range of departments, helping to produce a well-rounded professional by the conclusion of the course.”

To apply for the apprenticeship, visit The closing date for applications is Tuesday 18 April 2017.


For further information please contact Gary McQueen (0141 220 6040) at Media House or email


MG ALBA is the operating name of Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig (Gaelic Media Service). MG ALBA works in partnership with the BBC to deliver BBC ALBA.

BBC ALBA is available on the following platforms:

Sky 142
Freeview / You View 7 (Scotland only)
Virgin Media 161 (UK)
Freesat 109 (UK)
BBC iPlayer

Find out more about MG ALBA and the partnership at or visit for scheduling and programme information.

THA tagraidhean a-nis gan gabhail bho phroifeiseantaich le miann a bhith ag obair sna meadhanan airson na h-ath Preantasachd Gàidhlig aig a’ BhBC.

Tha an com-pàirteachas, air a ruith le BBC Scotland agus Colaiste Kelvin Ghlaschu, a’ faighinn taic bho MG ALBA.  Le cùrsa 2017/18, seo an dàrna uair a chaidh preantasachd Gàidhlig a thairgse taobh ri taobh le preantasachd BBC Scotland, a tha a-nis dha ruith airson an t-seachdamh uair.

Gheibh an neach soirbheachail taic bho MG ALBA le cothrom obrachadh thar ùrlaran Gàidhlig leithid BBC ALBA agus BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

San obair seo, gheibh an neach eòlas air feadh iomadh roinn a bhios a’ lìbhrigeadh stuthan don t-seanail, nam measg prògraman chloinne, a’ trusadh naidheachdan, stuthan aithriseach agus spòrs.

Le 50% de thoradh dèanamh phrògraman bhon roinn neo-eisimeileach ann an Alba a’ dol gu ruige BBC ALBA, bidh cothrom aig a’ phreantas ùine a chur seachad le cuid de luchd-solair neo-eisimeileach na seanail.

A thuilleadh air a bhith a’ cur ri bun sgilean agus leasachadh pearsanta, bidh na preantasan a’ cur seachad dà là sa mhìos ann an Colaiste Kelvin Ghlaschu, ag ionnsachadh tòrr de na sgilean teicnigeach agus obrach a bhios gu feum ann an gnìomhachas nam meadhanan craolaidh.

Bidh cothrom aig a’ phresantachd ùine a chur seachad aig Ionad nam Meadhanan Cruthachail ann an Steòrnabhagh – dachaigh MG ALBA agus BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

Tha Calum MacFhearghais na chiad fhear a-riamh air sgeama preantasachd Gàidhlig a’ BhBC. Tha e air an t-uamhas eòlais fhaighinn, le greisean-gnìomhachais le prìomh chompanaidhean neo-eisimeilich leithid Bees Nees Media, a thuilleadh air ùine a chuir seachad ann an diofar roinnean taobh a-staigh a’ BhBC.  San ùine ghoirid ri teachd, tha greisean-gnìomhachais aige còmhla ri BBC Sport agus Sky Sports.

Thuirt Calum: “Tha sgeama preantasachd Gàidhlig a’ BhBC air còrdadh ruim gu mòr. Tha mi air uiread de chothroman fhaighinn ann an ùine ghoirid agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ris a’ chòrr den sgeama. Tha am preasantachd na chothrom shònraichte airson daoine òga le Gàidhlig agus cha b’ urrainn dhomh moladh gu leòr a dhèanamh air.”

A thilleadh air a’ phresantachd Gàidhlig, tha 10 preasantachdan rim faighinn aig BBC Scotland agus ron t-Sultain am-bliadhna, bidh 61 neach òg air a dhol tron phreantasachd bhrosnachail seo thar nan sia sgeamaichean a bh’ ann cheana. Tha an sgeama air stèidh a thoirt airson cùrsa-beatha ann an riochdachadh Tbh agus naidheachdas, le cuid de na h-oileanaich a bh’ air sgeamaichean a cheana a’ dol air adhart gus ceum fhaighinn ann am foghlam àrd-ìre, le cuid eile a’ gluasad gu obraichean aig a’ BhBC no buidhnean meadhanan eile.

Thuirt Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt, Stiùiriche Ro-innleachd is Co-bhanntachd MG ALBA: “Seo an dàrna bliadhna a tha sinn a’ taiceachadh preantasachd Gàidhlig taobh a-staigh  sgeama Preantasachd a’ BhBC agus tha sinn air leth toilichte a-rithist a bhith dha dhèanamh comasach trèanadh a thoirt don ath ghinealach de phroifeiseantaich nam meadhanan.

“Tha an sgeama seo air a bhith na shàr shlighe do dhaoine òga a-steach don roinn craolaidh agus ro dheireadh a’ sgeama, bidh an neach soirbheachail air sgilean air leth feumail ionnsachadh thar roinnean.”

Airson cur a-steach airson an sgeama, tadhail air ’S e Dimàirt 18 Giblean 2017 an ceann-là dùnaidh airson thagraidhean.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Gary McQueen aig Media House air 0141 220 6040 no

Fios mu MG ALBA

Is e MG ALBA ainm-gnìomh Sheirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig. Tha MG ALBA ag obair ann an co-bhanntachd leis a’ BhBC airson BBC ALBA a libhrigeadh. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh mu MG ALBA agus mun cho-bhanntachd, faic

Gheibhear BBC ALBA air:

Sky 142 (RA)

Freeview / You View 7 (Alba a-mhàin)

Virgin Media 161 (RA)

Freesat 109 (RA)

BBC iPlayer

Tha BBC ALBA air a ruith le MG ALBA ann an co-bhanntachd ris a’ BhBC. Is e MG ALBA an t-ainm fo bheil Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig (Gaelic Media Service) ag obair. Faigh a-mach tuilleadh mu MG ALBA agus an co-bhanntachd aig no tadhal air airson fiosrachadh mu chlàran agus phrògraman.

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