Media release: Lecture to explore whether there is a Gaelic way of seeing | Òraid airson forfhais a bheil a leithid ann is lèirsinn Ghàidhealach


A LEADING Gaelic academic will present a free talk in Skye next month as part of the University of the Highlands and Islands’ public lecture series. Professor Meg Bateman, a senior lecturer at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI, will consider whether there is a Gaelic way of seeing the world.

Exploring questions around the value of sight in Gaelic culture, the representation of colour and the way ideologies are embedded in grammar and idioms, Professor Bateman will propose that Gaels had a particular way of perceiving the world.

She explains: “It may well be that Gaelic aesthetics shaped and in turn were shaped by the culture’s understanding of fundamentals such as man’s position in the environment, the shape of time and the relationship between the spirit and the material.”

Professor Bateman is delivering her lecture after being awarded a Professorship by the University of the Highlands and Islands in December 2015. As well as being a leading authority on Gaelic literature, she is an internationally-published writer and poet. She studied and taught at Aberdeen University, achieving a doctorate in classical Gaelic religious poetry, before joining Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI in 1998.

Professor Bateman’s inaugural professorial lecture will be based on elements of the forthcoming book, Window to the West, which she co-wrote with the writer, broadcaster and composer, John Purser. It will be delivered in Gaelic and English translation will be available. The lecture will take place from 5.15pm to 7.15pm on Thursday 21 September at Talla Dhonaidh Chaimbeul, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI and attendees will also be able to watch via YouTube.

To book or find out more, visit

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Bidh sàr sgoilear Gàidhlig a’ toirt seachad òraid an-asgaidh san Eilean Sgitheanach an ath mhìos mar phàirt den t-sreath de dh’òraidean poblach aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. Bidh an t-Àrd-ollamh Meg Bateman, àrd-òraidiche aig Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI, a’ beachdachadh air a’ cheist a bheil a leithid ann is fradharc Gàidhealach air an t-saoghal.

Agus i a’ sgrùdadh cheistean mu luach an fhradhairc ann an cultar na Gàidhlig, mar a riochdaichear dathan agus mar a tha ideòlasan fighte fuaighte ann an gràmair agus gnàthasan-cainnte, bidh an t-Àrd-ollamh Bateman a’ tairgsinn a’ bheachd gu robh dòigh shònraichte aig na Gàidheil a bhith a’ faicinn an t-saoghail.

Mar a mhìnicheas i fhèin e: “Is dòcha gun tug eisteadaigeachd nan Gàidheal  buaidh air an tuigse a bh’ ann sa chultar air gnothaichean bunaiteach leithid suidheachadh an duine san àrainneachd, cumadh ùine agus an dàimh eadar an spiorad agus an stuth, agus gun tug an tuigse sin, mar an ceudna, buaidh air an eisteadaigeachd.”

Tha an t-Àrd-ollamh Bateman a’ lìbhrigeadh na h-òraid aice an dèidh Àrd-ollamhachd a bhith air a buileachadh oirre le Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean san Dùbhlachd 2015. A bharrachd air a bhith na sàr ùghdarras air litreachas na Gàidhlig, tha i na sgrìobhadair agus na bàrd agus an obair aice air a foillseachadh gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Rinn i ionnsachadh agus teagasg aig Oilthigh Obar Dheathain, far an d’fhuair i dotaireachd ann am bàrdachd chreideamhach sa Gàidhlig chlasaigich, mus deach i gu Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI ann an 1998.

Bidh òraid tighinn an dreuchd an Àrd-ollaimh Bateman stèidhichte air eileamaidean den leabhar a tha ri tighinn, Window to the West, a sgrìobh i còmhla ris an sgrìobhadair, craoladair agus sgrìobhaiche-ciùil, John Purser. Thèid an òraid a lìbhrigeadh ann an Gàidhlig agus bidh eadar-theangachadh Beurla ri fhaighinn.Bidh e a’ gabhail àite bho 5.15f gu 7.15f air Diardaoin 21 Sultain aig Talla Dhonaidh Chaimbeul, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI agus bi cothrom ann do luchd-frithealaidh fhaicinn air YouTube.

Gus àite a ghleidheil no tuilleadh fhaighinn a-mach, tadhail air


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