Media release: Shetland student wins university title | Oileanach à Sealtainn a’ buannachadh tiotal oilthighe

Garry Sandison

A STUDENT who completed her PhD while bringing up three small children has been named as the University of the Highlands and Islands’ 2017 Postgraduate Student of the Year.

Esther Renwick (40) from Stromfirth, Shetland, recently achieved her PhD in archaeology by studying part-time over a ten-year period at Shetland College UHI.

Esther’s thesis explored the most effective ways to present archaeological monuments to the public.

She analysed online reviews, interviewed visitors and observed how people move through archaeological sites. Using philosophical and anthropological concepts of human behaviour and responses to the world around them, she created recommendations for a more engaging visitor experience.

Esther was nominated for the Postgraduate Student of the Year award by her PhD supervisor, Dr Simon Clarke. She was commended for her influential research, her community engagement and her dedication to her studies.

Dr Clarke explained: “Esther started with us in 2007 and completed her thesis working around part time employment and three small children, two of whom were born during her studies. I nominated her not for what she has achieved in her final year, but for a decade of application.

“Esther has presented her findings at national and international conferences and one of her early papers appears to have influenced English Heritage’s recent reorganisation of visitor access at Housesteads Fort on Hadrian’s Wall. Her academic studies are very much having a practical application in the real world.

“Esther has also made valuable contributions to the local community. She is a founding member of Archaeology Shetland and has been an active participant in a self-support group for Shetland-based postgraduate research students.”

Speaking about her award, Esther said: “I am so pleased to be recognised by the university, it has been a long journey but very worthwhile – the rural campuses and virtual learning environment enabled me to pursue my passion for presenting archaeology whilst also living in my dream location, working and raising a young family. My long-suffering family also deserve a mention here, without their wholehearted support none of this would have been possible.”

Professor Clive Mulholland, principal and vice-chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, said: “I’m delighted that Esther has been selected as our Postgraduate Student of the Year. She has shown incredible commitment over a decade of study and has made important contributions to both her field of study and her community.

“Esther’s story is a shining example of how our university can provide students with opportunities to conduct cutting-edge research within their local communities in subjects inspired by the people, environment, economy, culture and heritage of the Highlands and Islands.”

Esther was presented with a certificate and a cheque for £100 at the Shetland College UHI graduation ceremony on Friday 22 September. She has now taken up a communications role with the Shetland Arts Development Agency.


Oileanach à Sealtainn a’ buannachadh tiotal oilthighe

Tha oileanach a chrìochnaich a ceum PhD agus i a’ togail triùir chloinne air a h-ainmeachadh mar Iar-Cheumnaiche na Bliadhna 2017 aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean. Choisinn Esther Renwick (40) à Linne an t-Sròim ann an Sealtainn PhD ann an arc-eòlas o chionn ghoirid, an dèidh a bhith ag ionnsachadh pàirt-ùine thairis air deich bliadhna ann an Colaiste Shealtainn UHI.

Bha an tràchdas aig Esther a’ rannsachadh nan dòighean as èifeachdaiche air carraighean-cuimhne àirseachail a thaisbeanadh don phoball. Rinn i mion-sgrùdadh air lèirmheasan air-loidhne, rinn i agallamhan le luchd-tadhail agus bha i ag amharc air mar a bhios daoine a’ gluasad tro làraichean àirseachail. A’ cleachdadh bun-bheachdan feallsanachail agus daon-eòlasach a thaobh modh-giùlain daonnail agus mar a tha iad a’ dèiligeadh leis an t-saoghal mun cuairt orra, chuir i air adhart molaidhean airson suidheachadh nas tarraingiche a chruthachadh do luchd-tadhail.

Chaidh Esther ainmeachadh airson duais Iar-Cheumnaiche na Bliadhna leis an Neach-stiùiridh PhD aice, An Dr Simon Clarke. Fhuair i moladh airson a cuid rannsachaidh buadhach, a dòigh conaltraidh leis a’ choimhearsnachd agus a dealas a thaobh a h-ionnsachaidh.

Mhìnich An Dr Clarke: “Thòisich Esther ann an 2007 agus chuir i crìoch air an tràchdas aice ’s i ag obair mun cuairt air cosnadh pàirt-ùine agus triùir chloinne òga, dithis dhiubh a rugadh fhad ’s a bha i ag ionnsachadh san oilthigh. Dh’ainmich mi i, chan ann airson na tha i air a choileanadh sa bhliadhna mu dheireadh aice, ach airson deich bliadhna de dh’obair chruaidh is dìcheall.

“Tha Esther air a toraidhean a thaisbeanadh aig co-labhairtean nàiseanta agus eadar-nàiseanta agus tha coltas gu bheil aon de na pàipearan aice air buaidh a thoirt air an ath-eagrachadh o chionn ghoirid le Dualchas Shasainn a thaobh leasachadh air inntrigeadh an luchd-tadhail aig Dùn Housesteads air Balla Hadrian. Tha a h-ionnsachadh acadaimigeach gu mòr a’ nochdadh buaidh fheumail san t-saoghal mhòr.

“Tha Esther air tabhartasan luachmhor a chur ris a’ choimhearsnachd ionadail cuideachd. Tha i na ball-stèidhidh de Arc-eòlas Shealtainn agus tha i air a bhith na com-pàirtiche gnìomhach ann am buidheann fèin-thaic do dh’iar-cheumnaichean rannsachaidh stèidhichte ann an Sealtainn.”

A’ bruidhinn mun duais aice, thuirt Esther: “Tha mi cho toilichte a bhith a’ faotainn an aithne a tha seo bhon oilthigh. ’S e turas fada a bh’ ann ach glè chudromach – cheadaich na h-àrainnean dùthchail agus an àrainneachd ionnsachaidh èifeachdach seo dhomh, mo dhìoghras a thaobh taisbeanadh arc-eòlais a leantainn agus mi fhathast a’ fuireach san àite as fheàrr leam, agus ag obair ’s a’ togail teaghlach òg. Is fhiach mo theaghlach fad-fhulangach moladh an seo cuideachd, às aonais an taic sheasmhach acasan cha bhiodh sgath den seo comasach dhomh.”

Thuirt an t-Àrd-Ollamh Clive Mulholland, prionnsapal agus iar-sheansalair Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean: “Tha mi air leth toilichte gun deach Esther a thaghadh mar Iar-Cheumnaiche na Bliadhna. Tha i air dealas do-chreidsinneach a thaisbeanadh thar deich bliadhna de rannsachadh agus air cur gu cudromach ris an dà chuid a raon rannsachaidh fhèin agus a coimhearsnachd.

“Tha sgeulachd Esther na h-eisimpleir soilleir air mar as urrainn don oilthigh againn cothroman fhosgladh do dh’oileanaich gu rannsachadh fìor adhartach a choileanadh taobh a-staigh nan coimhearsnachdan aca fhèin ann an cuspairean a tha air am brosnachadh le daoine, àrainneachd, eaconamaidh, cultar agus dualchas na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean.”

Chaidh teisteanas agus seic airson £100 nota a bhuileachadh air Esther aig seirbheis ceumnachaidh ann an Colaiste Shealtainn UHI air Dihaoine 22 Sultain. Tha i a-nis air dreuchd ann an conaltradh a ghabhail aig buidheann Leasachaidh Ealain Shealtainn.


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