Media release: University of the Highlands and Islands principal and vice-chancellor announces retirement | Prionnsapal is Iar-Sheansalair Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean a’ leigeil dheth a dhreuchd

Prof Crichton Lang: Inaugural Professorial lecture - 5 Apr 2017

THE principal and vice-chancellor of the University of the Highlands and Islands, Professor Clive Mulholland, has today (Wednesday 28 November 2018) advised the University Court, the governing body of the university, that he intends to retire in July 2019.

Professor Mulholland, a native of Belfast, Northern Ireland, joined the university in 2014. A biomedical scientist by training, he began his career in the scientific civil service before moving to the NHS and, latterly, the university sector. Professor Mulholland held appointments in the University of Ulster, Queens University Belfast, Swansea University and the University of South Wales before moving to the Highlands.

The chair of the University Court, Garry Coutts, said: “On behalf of the court, I would like to thank Professor Mulholland for his service and commitment to the university’s development over the last four-and-a-half years and wish him well for his retirement.

“Under his leadership, we have seen our college and university student numbers grow and a significant period of legislative change, which saw responsibility for further and higher education in our region come together under the university court.

“There have been new campuses and student residences and developments in health, including our new nursing department. Earlier this year, we had our highest ever rating from satisfied higher education students in the national student survey and have seen career prospects improve for our college leavers. In addition, twinned with very positive Education Scotland further education review reports for our partner colleges, we achieved the best overall judgement for the university in our institutional review.

“We achieved research degree awarding powers in 2017, completing our university journey. Furthermore, we continue to participate in city region and growth deals for the benefit of our communities and have nurtured business and community partnerships. We have come a very long way during Professor Mulholland’s tenure.”

Professor Mulholland said: “It has always been my intention to retire at 60, after a career spanning 44 years. The university has achieved a lot over the past five years and its reputation has grown enormously, both nationally and internationally. We have had many challenges and we will face more in the future. However, we have also taken great opportunities and turned them into successes that we can all be proud of, right across the region.

“The University of the Highlands and Islands is a unique institution and I would argue the greatest educational success story in Scotland in a hundred years. Twenty-five years ago, the idea of a university in the Highlands and Islands was thought by many to be quite fanciful and unrealistic. I feel privileged to have played a small part in the evolution of such a fantastic creation. I hope very much to continue to be an ambassador for the university and to sing its praises far and wide.”

The University Court will oversee the process to appoint a successor to Professor Mulholland ahead of the 2019 to 2020 academic year.


THA Prionnsapal is Iar-Sheansalair Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean,  an t-Àrd-Ollamh Clive Mulholland, air ainmeachadh an-diugh (Diciadain 28 Samhain 2018) do Chùirt an Oilthighe, buidheann riaghlaidh an oilthighe, gu bheil e a’ coimhead ri a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth san Iuchar 2019.

Thàinig an t-Àrd-Ollamh Mulholland, a tha à Béal Feirste bho thùs, don oilthigh ann an 2014. Air trèanadh mar neach-saidheans bith-meidigeach, thòisich e na dhreuchd-beatha anns an t-seirbheis chatharra shaidheansail mus do ghluais e gu an NHS, agus mu dheireadh roinn nan oilthigh. Bha dreuchdan aig an Àrd-Ollamh Mulholland ann an Oilthigh Ulaidh, Oilthigh na Banrigh, Oilthigh Swansea agus Oilthigh na Cuimrigh a Deas mus do ghluais e chun na Gàidhealtachd.

Thuirt Garry Coutts, cathraiche Cùirt an Oilthighe: “Às leth na cùirte, bu mhath leam taing a thoirt don Àrd-Ollamh Mulholland airson a chuid seirbheis agus a dhealas a thaobh leasachadh an oilthighe thar nan ceithir bliadhna gu leth a chaidh seachad, agus tha sinn a’ guidhe gach dùrachd dha na bheatha air cluaineas.

“Fo a cheannardas, tha sinn air àireamhan nan oileanach sa cholaiste agus san oilthigh fhaicinn a’ fàs ann an àm cudromach de dh’atharrachadh reachdail, a chunnaic dleastanas foghlaim àrd-ìre agus adhartach nar roinn a’ tighinn còmhla fo chùirt an oilthighe.

“Tha àrainnean ùra air an togail, togalaichean còmhnaidh do dh’oileanaich agus leasachaidhean ann an slàinte, a’ gabhail a-steach ar roinn banaltramachd ùr. Nas tràithe am-bliadhna, fhuair sinn an rangachadh a b’ àirde a bh’ againn fhathast anns an t-suirbhidh oileanaich nàiseanta bho oileanaich thoilichte ann am foghlam àrd-ìre, agus tha sinn air comasan dhreuchdan nan oileanach a tha a’ fàgail, fhaicinn a’ leasachadh. A thuilleadh air an sin, chaidh aithrisean ath-bhreithneachaidh foghlam adhartach Foghlam Scotland adhartachadh dha na colaistean com-pàirteachais againn, choilean sinn am breithneachadh iomlan as fheàrr airson an oilthigh anns an sgrùdadh stèidheachaidh againn.

Fhuair sinn cumhachdan buileachaidh ceum rannsachaidh ann an 2017, a’ cur crìoch air ar slighe gu oilthigh. A thuilleadh air an sin, tha sinn a’ leantainn air adhart a’ com-pàirteachadh ann an rèiteachaidhean fàis agus baile gu buannachd ar coimhearsnachdan agus air com-pàirteachasan gnothachais is coimhearsnachd a bhrosnachadh. Tha sinn air a thighinn air slighe fhada fo stiùir an Àrd-Ollaimh Mulholland.”

Thuirt an t-Àrd-Ollamh Mulholland: “Bha e an-còmhnaidh na rùn agam mu dhreuchd a leigeil dheth aig 60, as dèidh dreuchd ‘dol thairis air 44 bliadhna. Tha an t-oilthigh air mòran a choileanadh thar nan còig bliadhna a dh’fhalbh agus tha a chliù air fàs gu h-àibheiseach, an dà chuid gu nàiseanta agus gu h-eadar-nàiseanta. Tha mòran dùbhlain air a bhith againn agus bidh tuilleadh romhainn san àm ri teachd. Ach, tha sinn air cothroman matha a ghabhail agus air an tionndadh gu soirbheachaidhean dem faod sinn a bhith moiteil tarsainn na roinne air fad, agus tha sibh uile air pàirt chudromach a choileanadh sna h-euchdan sin.

“Is e institiùd gun choimeas a th’ ann an Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, agus chanainn cuideachd gur e an sgeul foghlaim shoirbheachail as motha ann an Alba ann an ceud bliadhna. O chionn còig bliadhna fichead, bha beachd-smuain a thaobh oilthigh anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan mar nì a bha daoine a’ meas caran faoin is neo-phractaigeach.  ’S e urram a th’ ann dhomh a bhith air pàirt bheag a choileanadh ann am meanbh-fhàs a leithid de chruthaidheachd iongantach. Tha mi an dòchas gu mòr leantainn air adhart nam thosgaire don oilthigh agus a bhith ga àrd-mholadh fad’ is farsaing.”

Bidh e an urra ri Cùirt an Oilthighe neach eile fhastadh an àite an Àrd-Ollaimh Mulholland ron bhliadhna ùr acadaimigeach 2019 gu 2020.

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