Media release: Fèis Rois collaborate with BBC ALBA to celebrate 30th anniversary


ONE of Scotland’s leading arts organisations, Fèis Rois, will livestream a virtual festival with an evening of traditional music from well-known artists to mark the 30th edition of their Fèis Rois nan Inbheach (Adults) festival on Sunday evening (3 May).

A selection of performances from some of Scotland’s premiere traditional musicians, all from the comfort of their own homes, will then be shown on BBC ALBA on Monday evening, as part of Fèis Rois’s anniversary celebrations.

Fèis Rois had intended to host a live ‘physical’ concert with some of the festival’s best-known musicians, but the Covid-19 crisis didn’t allow for that to happen. Instead, they decided to go ahead with this weekend of virtual celebrations.

Gaelic singer, Joy Dunlop, will be hosting the program on BBC ALBA, with some of the highlights from the three-hour virtual concert.

The line-up features stalwarts of the Scottish traditional music scene, such as Donald Shaw and Karen Matheson; West Highland Cèilidh royalty Iain MacFarlane and Ingrid Henderson; Gaelic singers Mischa MacPherson, Brian Ó hEadhra and Fiona MacKenzie, amongst many others.

Fèis Rois chief executive, Fiona Dalgetty, said: “We’re so glad to have the backing of BBC ALBA to help bring some of our 30th anniversary celebrations to a wide audience, and to showcase some of the amazing talent that Fèis Rois has helped to cultivate over the years. It’s always great to be bringing more attention to a
movement that has gone from strength to strength over the past three decades and more, and we would invite people to get involved in our online activities at this time.”

Margaret Cameron, channel editor at MG ALBA, which operates BBC ALBA in partnership with the BBC, said: “Being able to showcase grassroots movements, particularly in the arts, is something that BBC ALBA has always aimed to achieve, and the ability to collaborate with Fèis Rois on this project has been invaluable – it brings together different audiences, at a time when it’s easy to feel disconnected.”

The three-hour extravaganza of musical talent will be streamed live on Fèis Rois’s Facebook page on Sunday 3 May from 8pm. Find out more about Fèis Rois on their website,, and catch the livestream on their Facebook, here:

Fèis Rois| Bheir Dhomh am Fonn, produced by Bees Nees Media, will broadcast on BBC ALBA the following night, Monday 4 May 9pm and will then be available on the BBC iPlayer.

Note to editors”

• Fèis Rois enable people of all ages to access, participate in and enjoy the traditional arts and Gaelic language through a diverse programme of activities in Ross & Cromarty, across Scotland and beyond. Based in Dingwall, Fèis Rois is widely recognised as a national leader in the arts, particularly in music education and was established in 1986.

Fèis Rois agus BBC ALBA a’ tighinn còmhla airson 30 bliadhnaichean den Fhèis a chomharrachadh

Bidh cuirm-ciùil traidiseanta ga chumail air-loidhne le Fèis Rois oidhche Dhòmhnaich (3 Cèitean), agus ceòladairean aithnichte a’ gabhail pàirt mar chomharra air Fèis Rois nan Inbheach 30 bliadhna a ruigsinn.

Bidh taghadh den luchd-ciùil as aithnichte san t-saoghal thraidiseanta, a ghabh pàirt anns a’ chuirm bho na dachannan aca fhèin, rim faicinn a-rithist oidhche Luain airson clach-mìle na Fèise a chomharrachadh, le prògram sònraichte air BBC ALBA.

Bha Fèis Rois airson cuirm cheart a chur air dòigh le aodainn aithnichte na fèise, ach ri linn suidheachadh a’ Choròna-bhìorais, cha b’ urrainn dha sin tachairt. Na àite, chuir iad romhpa an deireadh-sheachdain seo de cheòl is dibhearsain a chumail air-loidhne.

’S i an t-seinneadair Joy Dunlop a bhios aig stiùir a’ phrògraim air BBC ALBA, a’ toirt thugainn na criomagan as fheàrr bhon chuirm mhòr air-loidhne, a mhaireas trì uairean a thìde.

Bidh ainmean mòra an t-saoghal chiùil thraidiseanta ann an Alba a’ nochdadh sa chuirm; Chithear Dòmhnall Seathach agus Karen NicMhathain; seòid ceòl-dannsa na Gàidhealtachd Iain MacPhàrlain agus Ingrid NicEanruig; seinneadairean Gàidhlig Mischa Nic a’ Phearsain, agus Brian Ó hEadhra agus Fiona NicChoinnich, am measg eile.

Thuirt Ceannard Fèis Rois, Fiona Dalgetty: “Tha sinn air ar dòigh gu bheil BBC ALBA a’ cumail taic ri na tha sinn a’ dèanamh gus 30 bliadhna den fhèis a chomharrachadh a thoirt do luchd-amhairc farsaing, agus cuideachd airson cuid den tàlant mhìorbhaileach a tha Fèis Rois air àiteacheadh thar nam bliadhna a thoirt gu aire an
t-sluaigh. Tha e daonnan math barrachd aire a thoirt gu iomairt a tha air a dhol bho neart gu neart thairis air na trì deicheadan mu dheireadh, agus chuireadh sinn fàilte ro dhuine sam bith faighinn an sàs anns na gnothaichean air-loidhne a th’ againn an-dràsta.”

Thuirt Mairead Chamshron, Deasaiche Seanail aig MG ALBA, a tha a’ lìbhrigeadh BBC ALBA ann an co-bhanntachd leis a’ BhBC: “Tha BBC ALBA a-riamh air a bhith ag amas air iomairtean coimhearsnachd, gu h-àraid anns na h-ealain, a thoirt gu aire dhaoine, agus tha luach gun shamhla air a bhith ann bho bhith ag obair le Fèis Rois air a’ phròiseact seo – tha diofar luchd-amhairc gan toirt còmhla, aig àm nuair a tha e gu math soirbh do dhaoine a bhith a’ faireachdainn air an sgaradh bho chèile”.

Thèid a’ chuirm mhòr 3 uairean a thìde a shealltainn air Facebook Fèis Rois, Didòmhnaich 3 Cèitean bho 8f. Gheibhear barrachd mu dheidhinn Fèis Rois air an làrach aca,, agus chithear a’ chuirm beò air an duilleag Facebook aca, an seo:

Thèid Fèis Rois | Bheir Dhomh am Fonn, a tha air a riochdachadh le Bees Nees Media, a chraoladh air BBC ALBA an ath-oidhche, Diluain 4 Cèitean aig 9f agus bidh e ri fhaotainn an uair sin air BBC iPlayer.

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