Media Release: International coffee giant extends remit for Caledonia Contracts

CALEDONIA Contracts has been selected to fit out the latest new store opening for international coffee giant Starbucks, at the Livingston McArthur Glen Centre, Scotland’s largest designer outlet.

The new store, which will fill 1700 square feet of the prestigious shopping village, is the seventh in a series of Scottish store openings and refurbishments that the award winning shop fitter has been commissioned to fit, following a rigorous selection process in 2005.

Caledonia Contracts is the only Scottish contractor selected to work with the highly successful Seattle based coffee giant which now has more than 7500 outlets all over the world and is in the course of an expansion plan which seeks to extend that number by a further 1500 worldwide.

Managing director, Amanda Boyle said, “We have now been working with Starbucks for several months.”

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Contact: Tricia Fox
Phone: 07989 955039