Media Release: HIE underlines commitment to value of Gaelic

See below for Gaelic translation.

HIGHLANDS and Islands Enterprise (HIE) today announced further Gaelic investment ahead of the publication of research showing the significant economic benefits of the language and its culture. The new awards brings total current HIE investment through Gaelic to £990,000.

The summary findings of the ‘Economic Impact of the Fèisean’, commissioned by HIE, show that the Fèisean (Gaelic arts tuition festivals) alone contribute over £1m to the Scottish economy and sustain 49 full-time posts in the Highlands and Islands.

The study also suggests a significant impact on the region’s ‘fragile areas’, contributing earnings of over a quarter of a million pounds and 14 full-time equivalent posts. HIE announced three-year funding of £540,000 to Fèisean nan Gàidheal in September 2009.

The latest investment includes the award of a contract worth £300,000 to the Gaelic development body Comunn na Gàidhlig for the delivery of services which will significantly increase the contribution of Gaelic and Gàidhealach culture in the development of the Highlands and Islands, and particularly the region’s fragile areas.

The services set out in the contract stem from the current Government Economic Strategy and the HIE Gaelic Plan, and will focus on areas such as the application of Gaelic in the growth of key sectors in the economy of the Highlands and Islands and the development of strategy for the growth of the Gaelic labour market.

“HIE is ambitious about developing Gaelic language use and about the crucial role its culture can play in strengthening our businesses and communities. The HIE Gaelic Plan focuses on promoting the business benefits of Gaelic, particularly in growing the creative industries, goods and services, and the tourism sector. We want to encourage our businesses to take advantage of the elements of our community which are unique and make us more competitive,” explained John Watt, director of strengthening communities at HIE.

Calum Iain Macleod, development director at Comunn na Gàidhlig, said: “In delivering this contract over the course of the coming year, Comunn na Gàidhlig will undertake a wide range of initiatives to revitalise Gaelic through business support and community development across the Highlands and Islands.

“HIE’s support to Gaelic development continues to be vitally important and we are delighted to have been awarded this contract. CnaG is also delighted to note the publication of HIE’s Gaelic Language Plan reinforcing their confidence and belief in the future of the language.”

In addition to its funding to CnaG, HIE is providing funding of £50,000 towards Pròiseact nan Ealan (PnE) – the national Gaelic Arts Agency and continues to reinforce its strengthening communities focus on promoting growth in the social enterprise sector. A number of Gaelic projects are supported by PnE including the St Kilda Opera and the Leabhar Mòr touring exhibition as well as the recent community arts pilot project ‘Mo Chuid Aodaich’ which raised over £12,000 for the community care organisation Crossroads.

HIE is also providing support of £100,000 over three years to Comunn Luchd Ionnsachaidh (Clì Gàidhlig) as the organisation expands on its role in delivering Gaelic learning services and develops as a social enterprise.

Today’s announcements coincide with Government Minister Michael Russell’s visit to Sabhal Mòr Ostaig yesterday where he delivered the annual lecture and launched Soillse. This is a research partnership with UHI Millennium Institute and Sabhal Mòr Ostaig along with the Universities of Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Glasgow and the Scottish Funding Council. The investment will be used to recruit world class staff and PhD students across the partner institution. The research will help develop the Gaelic language and policies and HIE is contributing £400,000 towards a £5.29 million package.


HIE a’ dearbhadh luach na Gàidhlig agus a’ cur barrachd taic rithe

Thug Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ‘s nan Eilean (HIE) iomradh an-diugh air taic-airgid ùr airson na Gàidhlig; agus fianais ùr a’ nochdadh air na buannchdan mòra eaconomach an lùib nam Fèisean an Alba. Tha an taic-airgid ùr a’ ciallachadh gu bheil HIE a-nis a’ cur roimhpe £990,000 a chuir ri obair-leasachaidh tron a’ Ghàidhlig.

Tha geàrr-chunntas aithisg ùir ‘Buaidh Eaconomach nam Fèisean’, a chaidh a dh’iarraidh le HIE, ag innse gu bheil na Fèisean fhèin a’ cur còrr is £1m ri eaconomaidh na h-Albainn agus iad a’ cumail 49 cosnaidhean lan-thìde sa Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan. Tha an aithisg cuideachd a’ cur an aire gu bheil iad a’ toirt buaidh dha-rìribh air na ‘sgìrean dùbhlanach’, agus coimhearsnachdan nan sgìrean a’ faighinn còrr is cairteal na millean nota agus 14 cosnaidhean às.

Tha an taic-airgid ùr seo a’ gabhail a-steach cùmhnant £300,000 le Comunn na Gàidhlig agus iad gu bhi a’ lìbhrigeadh sheirbheisean as leth HIE a-chum gus piseach mòra a thoirt air buaidh na Gàidhlig agus an dualchais Ghàidhealaich air leasachadh air a’ Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan agus gu sònraichte na sgìrean dùbhlanach.

Tha seirbheisean a’ chùmhnaint seo stèidhichte air Ro-innleachd Eaconomach na h-Albainn cho math ri Plana Gàidhlig HIE, agus e a’ cur prìomhachas air targaidean a leithid ro-innleachd ùr airson a’ mhargaidh obrach na Gàdhlig agus iomairtean ùra a chuireas a’ Ghàidhlig gu feum ann am prìomh roinnean eaconomaidh na Gàidhealtachd.

“Tha sinn gu mòr airson is gun tig fàs air cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ach cuideachd piseach mòr air àite na Gàidhlig is i air a chuir gu feum le coimhearsnachdan agus companaidhean. Tha Plana Gàidhlig HIE a’ coimhead ri buannachdan aig ghnìomhachasan, gu h-àraidh an fheadhainn ud a tha an sàs anns na gnothachasan cruthachail, a’ toirt seachad sheirbheisean agus feadhainn anns an roinn turasachd. Tha HIE airson is gum faic gniomhachasan a tha stèidhichte air a’ Ghàidhealtachd na buannachdan an lùib a’ chànain agus an dualchais shònraichte Ghàidhealaich againn.” thuirt John Watt, neach-stiùiridh neartachadh choimhearsnachdan aig HIE.

Thuirt Calum Iain MacLeòid, stiùiriche leasachaidh ChnaG: “Le bhi a’ cur a’ chùmhnaint seo an gnìomh tharais air a’ bhliadhna a tha romhainn, tha Comunn na Gàidhlig a’ coimhead ri grunn iomairtean a-chum ath-bheòthachadh na Gàidhlig le taic do ghnìomhachasan agus leasachadh choimhearsnachdan air feadh na Ghàidhealtachd is nan Eilean.

Tha taic HIE ris a’ Ghàidhlig cudromach dha-rìribh agus tha sinn air ar doigh glan gu bheil iad air a’ chùmhnant seo a thabhainn dhuinne. Tha CnaG cuideachd toilichte gun deach Plana Ghàidhlig HIE fhoillseachadh agus tha seo a’ sùileachadh suidheachadh seasmhach airson a’ chànain san àm ri teachd.”

A bharrachd air taic do ChnaG, the HIE a’ cur £50,000 ri Pròiseact nan Ealan (PnE), agus a’ bhuidhean gu bhi a’ cur an gnìomh a’ mhodail obrach ‘iomairt sòisealta’. Tha grunn phròiseactan a’ faighinn cuideachadh bho PnE, leithid Opra Hiort, taisbeanaidhean an Leabhair Mhòir cho math ris a’ phròiseact ùr air a bheil ‘Mo Chuid Aodaich’, a thog còrr is £12,000 airson na buidhne cùraim Crossroads.

Tha HIE a’ cur airgead-tasgaidh £100,000 thar trì bliadhna gu Comunn Luchd Ionnsachaidh (Clì Gàidhlig) – agus iad airson barrachd sheirbheisean ionnsachaidh ri luchd-ionnsachaidh agus buidhnean poblach is prìobhaideach mar Iomairt Sòisealta.

Bha Michael Russell a’ toirt seachad òraid aig ollamhnaich bliadhnail Sabhal Mòr Ostaig an raoir nuair a chuir e air bhog ‘Soillse’. ‘S e com-pàirt tha seo còmhla ri OGE Mìle Bliadhna agus Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, còmhla ri na h-Olthaighean Obar-Eathainn, Dun Eidinn agus Glaschu agus Scottish Funding Council. Bidh luchd-obrach le eòlas mòr agus oileanaich PhD air am fastadh bho ionadan cheangailte. Cuidichidh an rannsachadh seo le leasachadh na Gàidhlig agus poileasaidhean agus tha HIE a’ cur a-steach £400,000 a chum a’ chnap-thairgse £5.29 millean.


Note to editors:

Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) is the Scottish Government’s regional development agency for an area which covers half of Scotland, from Shetland to Argyll and from the Outer Hebrides to Moray. Visit for more information.

To see the ‘Economic Impact of the Fèisean’ report, visit

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Contact: Caroline Rham
Phone: 07721 761 504
