Media Release: Scottish Enterprise backs ground-breaking new web product

WEB innovation company, Internet Light Industries (ILI), has secured a substantial innovation grant from Scottish Enterprise to enable it to develop an exciting new web-based product for consumers.

The unique, easy-to-use ‘life dashboard’ product incorporates intelligent virtual assistant technology to help consumers securely manage, monitor and maintain all their important life matters online.

Says a spokesperson: “The first phase enables them to improve how they manage their residential property.

“Bringing together all their providers in one place, the service will initially target mid net-worth consumers and give them a value-based alternative to the price-driven marketplace in which they find themselves today.

“Subsequent phases will cover other life matters such as car, travel, health, pets, career, and so on.

“Already accredited by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, the product commenced BETA testing earlier this month. :

James Thomas, CEO of Internet Light industries, commented: “Gaining this financial support from Scottish Enterprise is a huge step forward for our business, enabling us to develop the product itself and start to bring it to market.

“Working in partnership with major insurance companies, surveyors, valuers and estate agencies, we are on course to launch the new service during 2011.”

David Smith, innovation and enterprise services director, Scottish Enterprise, said: “This is a great example of how Scottish Enterprise supports ambitious, innovative companies to transform world-class ideas into successful new products that generate real wealth and jobs.

“By providing these innovation grants we’re helping to turn plans and possibilities into viable business opportunities that can ultimately boost the Scottish economy.

“ILI is a forward-thinking company with significant growth plans for the future and we look forward to continuing to work with them.”

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Contact: James Thomas, CEO, Internet Light Industries
Phone: 07790 664 975