Media Release: Employer invitation to encourage youth employment

FIFE employers are being urged to get involved in an exciting initiative to help Fife’s youngsters to break into the jobs market.

Employers are being invited to provide up to 13 weeks of ‘In -Work Training’ to trainees aged between 16 – 19 years, who are not in employment, government training or education, and potentially offer them a job at the end.

This initiative supports young people, in their progress towards permanent employment.

This is important as this age group has been particularly affected by the current economic position.

Studies show that high unemployment in this age group can lead to an economically lost generation

Chris Parr, the chief executive of Tullis Russell and Opportunity Fife Employer Champion, commented: “This initiative will give youngsters the opportunity to learn and work while they are in a job.

“The evidence shows that if they gain experience in a working environment, they will have a better chance to get a job and sustain that job.  We want to give these youngsters that chance.”

Lucinda McAllister, service manager of Fife Council Skills and Employability, added: “During the 13-week in work training, we will pay the youngsters the national minimum wage.

“Employers do not need to pay a penny, but will gain an additional human resource. Of course, at the end, we hope our youngsters will have proved themselves and be offered a job.”

If your company can provide “In -Work Training” opportunities for Fife’s youngster, please contact the Employer Programme team on 08448 55 22 80

For further information, please contact Lifang Lamb, Project Manager, Employer Programme by emailling or telephoning 08451 55 55 55 + Ext 460827.

This programme is part funded by ESF Fairer Scotland Fund and Coalfield Regeneration Fund.

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Fife Council. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Julie Robinson
