Media Release: Invite to Edinburgh Fringe production social media call

The Wheel - National Theatre of Scotland

THE National Theatre of Scotland is holding a social media call at The Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh on Friday 29th July 2011 at 1.15pm for 1.30pm for Edinburgh Fringe production The Wheel.

If you have a blog, Twitter or Facebook account, or any other social networking website you are invited to take photographs/film two extracts from the production. 

There will also be the opportunity to interview members of the cast and creative team.

Participants are then encouraged to share their pictures, videos and interviews through social media sites.

The Wheel by award-winning writer, Zinnie Harris (Fall, Julie, Further than the Furthest Thing) is an unnerving new play which asks whether it is possible to travel through a world in conflict and remain unaffected.

With wit, spirit and dynamism the play seeks to draw audiences into the quest, enchanting and challenging them with the characters and situations they will encounter along the way.

The total number of people allowed access is limited so if you would like to attend you need to register in advance by emailing

In the meantime, you can tweet about The Wheel using the hashtag #TheWheel

The Wheel is at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh from Sunday 7 to Sunday 28 August (Previews Thu 28, Sat 30 July, Sat 6 Aug).

Further information available at

For further Information contact:

Andrew Neilson – 0791 254 0139/0141 227 9497

MEDIA RELEASE posted by the National Theatre of Scotland. You too can post media releases (aka press releases) on For more information, email here.

Contact: Andrew Neilson
Phone: 07912540139