Media Release: Innovative Gaelic translation service launched


Innovative Gaelic translation service launched | Seirbheis eadar-theangachaidh ùr-ghnàthach air a cur air bhog

AN innovative service which helps people involved in Gaelic translation work is being launched today (Wednesday 21 November.) TòMaS, the first ever translation memory service for Gaelic, aims to speed up the translation process and ensure greater consistency across texts.

The service is based around computer software which works a bit like a mobile phone when it comes across new words during texting.

The programme stores previously translated text so it can suggest ready-made translations when new pieces are uploaded.

By encouraging many different people and organisations to use the software, its bank of translated material grows, making the service increasingly effective.

TòMaS will be of use to both in-house and freelance translators as well as the companies that use them.

Organisations that have already signed up to use it include the Scottish Parliament, Forestry Commission, NHS Highland, Scottish Natural Heritage and Stòrlann, an organisation that produces and distributes Gaelic curriculum resources.

TòMaS has been developed by the University of the Highlands and Islands learning and information services department.

Says a spokesperson: “As the first Scottish higher education institution to implement a Gaelic Language Plan, the university is committed to communicating bilingually and frequently translates English into Gaelic.

“Staff initially intended to develop the service to ensure translations are consistent across its partnership of thirteen colleges and specialist research organisations, but soon saw the potential of making the service available to a wider audience.”

Explaining why the university is launching the service, Ruairidh Mackay, Gaelic technology service developer, said: “With organisations implementing their Gaelic language plans and the expected increase in Gaelic publications that this is expected to entail, UHI felt there was an opportunity to bring organisations and translators together to develop a networked approach to translation processes.

“Service partners can access previously translated material which will help with consistency and save time. The money this saves can then go back into delivering more Gaelic material within the organisation.”

Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Bòrd na Gàidhlig have provided grants to set up TòMaS and it is hoped the service will ultimately become self-sustainable.

Speaking about the resource, David Boag, Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s head of Gaelic usage, said: “The TòMaS project will undoubtedly strengthen the consistency and efficiency of Gaelic translation work undertaken by Scottish public authorities, which will in turn result in a better service for the public.

“The development of resources such as TòMaS is consistent with our development priorities outlined in the National Gaelic Language Plan 2012-17 and this is proof of the important role that new technology plays in supporting and growing the day-to-day use and visibility of Gaelic.”

HIE is contributing £30,000 towards the development of the service. Neil Ross, head of community growth at HIE, said: “TòMaS creates an opportunity to increase the consistency and quality of translation as well as boost productivity and reduce translation costs.

“This will in turn lead to the possibility of greater volumes of material being made available in Gaelic. HIE is keen to see the web-accessed service quickly evolve into a commercially viable model, enabling subscribers and translators to contribute and benefit from it even from our most remote communities.”

You can find out more about the service at or by contacting Ruairidh Mackay on 01463 279341 or at


Photo caption: Ruairidh Mackay, Gaelic technology service developer at the university, helped to develop the new translation service.

Notes to editors:

The University of the Highlands and Islands comprises thirteen further and higher education colleges, specialist colleges and research institutions, distributed throughout the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. They are bound together through constitutional, management and academic structures, and co-ordinated through an executive office. Collectively, this is referred to as the UHI partnership.

There are currently over 7,500 students studying on undergraduate and postgraduate courses or undertaking postgraduate research with the university.

The University of the Highlands and Islands is the only university with campuses and headquarters based in the Highlands and Islands. Its mission is to strengthen and develop the social, economic and cultural prospects of the region. It uses a blend of learning methods, including traditional classroom face-to-face teaching, video-conferencing tutorials and lectures and virtual learning environments and other IT media.

The University of the Highlands and Islands is a limited company registered in Scotland No. 148203. Scottish charity No. SC022228. Registered office: 12B, Ness Walk, Inverness, IV3 5SQ.


Thathas a’ cur seirbheis ùr-ghnàthach air bhog an-diugh (Diciadain 21 Samhain) a chuidicheas daoine a tha an sàs ann an obair eadar-theangachaidh Ghàidhlig. Is e amas TòMaS, a’ chiad sheirbeis cuimhne eadar-theanghachaidh a bh’ ann riamh airson na Gàidhlig, a bhith a’ dèanamh a’ phròiseis eadar-theangachaidh nas luaithe agus a bhith a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi co-chòrdalachd ann eadar teacsaichean.

Tha an t-seirbheis stèidhte air bathar-bog a bhios ag obair car coltach ri fòn-làimhe, nuair a ruigeas e faclan ùra agus thu a’ sgrìobhadh teacsa. Bidh am prògram a’ gleidheil teacsa a chaidh eadar-theangachadh mar-thà gus an urrainn dha eadar-theangachaidhean ullamh a mholadh nuair a thèid pìosan ùra a luchdachadh suas. Le bhith a’ brosnachadh àireamh de dhaoine agus bhuidhnean feum a chur air a’ bhathar-bhog, bidh an stòras aige de stuthan eadar-theangaichte a’ fàs, agus fàsaidh èifeachdas na seirbheise.

Bidh TòMaS feumail don dà chuid eadar-theangairean a th’ air am fastadh le buidheann agus don fheadhainn a bhios ag obair air an cinn fhèin, cho math ris na companaidhean a bhios a’ cur feum orra. Am measg nan companaidhean a dh’aontaich feum a chur air mar-thà tha Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, Coimisean na Coilltearachd, NHS na Gàidhealtachd, Dualchas Nàdar na h-Alba agus Stòrlann, buidheann a bhios a’ cruthachadh agus a’ sgaoileadh ghoireasan curraicealaim sa Ghàidhlig.

Chaidh TòMaS a chruthachadh le roinn sheirbheisean ionnsachaidh is fiosrachaidh Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean. Agus e air a’ chiad bhuidhinn àrd-fhoghlaim an Alba a chruthaich agus a ghnìomhaich Plana Gàidhlig, tha an t-oilthigh dealasach a bhith a’ conaltradh san dà chànan agus bidh e ag eadar-theangachadh bho Bheurla gu Gàidhlig gu cunbhalach. B’ e an dùil a bh’ aig an luchd-obrach sa chiad dol a-mach an t-seirbheis a chruthachadh gus dèanamh cinnteach gum biodh eadar-theangaichean co-chòrdail ri chèile feadh a chom-pàirteachais de thrì-deug colaistean agus ionadan rannsachaidh speisealta, ach cha robh e fada mus faca iad gum biodh e comasach an t-seirbheis a thairgsinn do dhaoine eile.

Thuirt Ruairidh MacAoidh, neach-leasachaidh na seirbheis theicneòlais Ghàidhlig, agus e a’ mìneachadh nan adhbharan a bh’ aig an oilthigh air an t-seirbheis a chur air bhog: “Le buidhnean a bhith a’ cur nam planaichean Gàidhlig aca an gnìomh agus leis an leudachadh ris a bheilear an dùil an lùib seo a thaobh fhoillseachaidhean Gàidhlig, dh’fhairich UHI gun robh cothrom ann buidhnean agus eadar-theangairean a thoirt còmhla agus modh-obrach lìonraichte a chruthachadh airson phròiseasan eadar-theangachaidh. Bidh stuth a chaidh eadar-theangachadh mar-thà ri fhaotainn do chom-pàirtichean san t-seirbheis, rud a chuidicheas iad a thaobh co-chòrdalachd agus a shàbhaileas ùine dhaibh. Gabhaidh barrachd stuthan Gàidhlig cruthachadh taobh a-staigh na buidhne leis an airgead a bhios seo a’ sàbhaladh.”

Sholair Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus Bòrd na Gàidhlig tabhartasan airson stèidheachadh TòMaS agus thathas an dòchas gum bi an t-seirbheis fèin-sheasmhach ri ùine.

Agus e a’ bruidhinn mun ghoireas, thuirt Daibhidh Boag, leasaiche cànain Gàidhlig le Bòrd na Gàidhlig: “Gun teagamh cuiridh am pròiseact TòMaS gu mòr ri co-chòrdalachd agus èifeachdas obair eadar-theangachaidh na Gàidhlig a th’ air a gabhail os làimh le ùghdarrasan poblach na h-Alba, agus, mar thoradh air seo, bidh seirbheis nas fheàrr ann don mhòr-shluagh.

“Tha cruthachadh ghoireasan leithid TòMaS ann an co-chòrdadh ris na prìomhachasan leasachaidh a tha air an leigeil ris ann am Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig 2012-17 agus tha seo a’ sealltainn an àite chudromaich aig teicneòlas ùr ann a bhith agus a’ toirt taic ri cleachdadh làitheil agus faicsinneachd na Gàidhlig agus a’ cur fàs air.”

Tha HIE a’ cur £30,000 ri cruthachadh na seirbheise. Thuirt Niall Ros, ceannard fàs choimhearsnachdan aig HIE: “Tha TòMaS a’ toirt cothrom a dhèanamh gum bi barrachd co-chòrdalachd ann an an eadar-theangachadh agus gum bi e nas fheàrr, cho math ri bhith a’ cur ris a’ mheud de dh’obair a ghabhas dèanamh agus a’ lùghdachadh chosgaisean eadar-theangachaidh. Mar thoradh air seo, bidh a’ chomasachd ann barrachd stuth a chur a-mach sa Ghàidhlig. Tha HIE airson gum faicear an t-seirbhis-lìn seo a’ tighinn na modail malairteach gu luath, a’ leigeil le fo-sgrìobhadairean agus eadar-theangairean a bhith a’ cur rithe agus a’ faighinn buannachd aiste, fiù ’s às na coimhearsnachdan as iomallaiche againn.”

Faodaidh tu barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun t-seirbheis seo aig no le bhith a’ cur fios gu Ruairidh MacAoidh air 01463 279341 no aig


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Contact: Susan Szymborski
Phone: 01463279210