Media Release: University to set campus at Belladrum | Oilthigh a’ cur àrainn air bhonn aig Fèis Bhealadruim

Belladrum 2012

(Gaelic below)

THE University of the Highlands and Islands will be setting up campus at the Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival again this year as one of the event’s main sponsors.

Festival-goers are invited to find out more about their local university by dropping into its trailer in the Walled Garden or getting involved in the activities students and staff have organised around the Bella site.

At the university trailer, both kids and adults can explore their creative sides by helping to make a dynamic art installation using kinetic energy, friction and resistance.

Guided by artist, Adrian Eaton, the masterpiece will be produced with monster vehicles, remote control cars and paint.

Ruairidh Greumach, drummer of ‘electrad’ live act Niteworks, will also be based at the trailer where he will be running free rhythmic hand percussion workshops in English and Gaelic.

University psychologists will be in attendance too, with clever tricks to show how drugs and alcohol can affect people’s mood and reactions.

Festival-goers are also invited to pop into the trailer to find out about University of the Highlands and Islands’ courses, including those which still have places for September 2013 entry.

The university’s presence isn’t limited to the Walled Garden; however, there will be lots of events and activities around the Belladrum site too.

Bands made up of students and graduates from the university’s applied music degree will be opening the Seedlings Stage on both days of the festival. Taghta, a traditional group who met while studying in Benbecula, perform at 12:15pm on Friday and FaR, a five-piece with funk, rock, reggae and soul influences, take to the stage from 12:15pm on Saturday.

The university’s psychology and health programme director, Wendy Maltinsky, will give an insight into a topic close to many parents’ hearts on Saturday, with an interactive talk on ‘how the teenage brain works’. Festival-goers should head to the Verb Garden between 4:30pm and 5:30pm to hear the informal lecture.

There will also be a University of the Highlands and Islands’ Gaelic treasure hunt. After collecting a blank answer sheet from the university’s trailer in the Walled Garden, kids are challenged to fill it out with the Gaelic words hidden around the festival site. Children who get all the words will win a prize!

Revellers can look out for the university’s ‘science wizards’ as well who will be conducting fun, interactive experiments from their mobile lab over the course of the event.

For festival-goers who enjoy photography, the university is also offering a chance to win two tickets for Belladrum 2014 through a photo competition. To be in with a chance, attendees have to upload their best photo from this year’s festival to the University of the Highlands and Islands’ Facebook page.

Speaking about the university’s presence at the event, marketing manager, Margaret Antonson, said: “Belladrum is one of the Highland and Islands’ biggest events so it’s a great opportunity for us to showcase some of the courses and research projects that are going on at our campuses across the region.

“Our staff and students will give people an interactive and engaging insight into who we are and what we offer.”

Festival organiser, Joe Gibbs, said: “We are excited that the University of the Highlands and Islands is back on board with Bella this year and we urge each and every festival‑goer to visit its trailer in the Walled Garden or take part in some of the other university activities going on around the site.

“From free drumming workshops, fun experiments and student bands, the University of the Highlands and Islands has a great range of activities for all.

“The university’s presence is also a great opportunity for the large number of school leavers who attend Bella to find out more about the fantastic education opportunities that are available right on their doorstep.”

Belladrum takes place on 2 and 3 August at Beauly, near Inverness. Artists appearing will include James, Twin Atlantic, Seasick Steve, Alabama 3, and Noisettes. For more information, visit


Bidh Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean ga thaisbeanadh fhèin aig Fèis Tartan Heart Bhealadruim a-rithist am-bliadhna agus e am measg nam prìomh sponsairean. Gheibh muinntir na fèise cothrom barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun oilthigh ionadail aca anns an trèilear aige anns an Lios Bhallach no a dhol an sàs anns na gnìomhachdan a chuir oileanaich agus luchd-obrach air dòigh air feadh làrach na fèise.

Aig trèilear an oilthigh, faodaidh an dà chuid inbhich agus clann rudan cruthachail a dhèanamh le bhith a’ cuideachadh gus pìos ealain fiùghantach a chruthachadh a’ cleachdadh lùth-gluasaid, lùth-suathaidh agus bacadh. Le cuideachadh bhon neach-ealain Adrian Eaton, thèid pìos ealain a chruthachadh le carbadan mòra, caraichean le smachd-iomaill agus peant.

Bidh Ruairidh Greumach, drumair sa chòmhlan Niteworks, cuideachd stèidhte aig an trèilear far am bi e a’ ruith bhùthan-obrach saor an asgaidh ann am buille-cheòl làimhe sa Bheurla agus sa Ghàidhlig. Bidh eòlaichean-inntinn an làthair cuideachd, le cleas no dhà gus sealltainn mar a tha drugaichean agus alcol a’ toirt buaidh air gluasadan agus sunnd dhaoine.

Faodaidh luchd na fèise tighinn do thrèilear an oilthigh agus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu chùrsaichean Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, a’ gabhail a-steach na feadhna aig a bheil fhathast àitichean airson tòiseachadh san t-Sultain 2013.

Chan ann anns an Lios Bhallach a-mhàin a bhios an t-oilthigh, ge-tà – bidh tòrr thachartasan agus gnìomhachdan a’ dol air feadh làrach Bhealadruim.

Bidh còmhlain anns a bheil oileanaich agus ceumnaichean bho cheum an oilthigh ann an ceòl ghnìomhaichte a’ fosgladh an Seedlings Stage gach latha. Cluichidh Taghta, còmhlan traidiseanta a choinnich nuair a bha an luchd-ciùil ag ionnsachadh ann am Beinn na Faoghla, aig 12.15f Dihaoine agus bidh FaR, còmhlan anns a bheil còignear luchd-ciùil le buaidhean func, roc, reggae agus soul, air an àrd-ùrlar bho 12.15f Disathairne.

Tha stiùiriche a’ phrògraim slàinte agus eòlas-inntinn aig an oilthigh, Wendy Maltinsky, a’ toirt cothrom dhuinn eòlas a chur air ‘mar a bhios eanchainnean dheugairean ag obrachadh’ Disathairne. Bu chòir do muinntir na fèise dèanamh air an Verb Garden eadar 4.30pm agus 5.30pm airson na h-òraid neo-fhoirmeil seo.

Bidh sinn cuideachd a’ tabhann cothrom ulaidh a lorg. Às dèidh dhaibh duilleag fhreagairtean bhàn a thogail bho thrèilear an oilthigh anns an Lios Bhallach, thathas a’ brosnachadh clann a bhith ga lìonadh leis na faclan Gàidhlig a tha air am falach air feadh làrach na fèise. Gheibh clann a gheibh a h-uile facal duais!

Faodaidh daoine sùil a chumail a-mach airson ‘buidsich saidheans’ an oilthigh cuideachd a bhios a’ dèanamh dheuchainnean spòrsail, eadar-obrachail bhon obair-lann aca rè an tachartais.

Don fheadhainn a tha dèidheil air dealbhan a thogail, tha an t-oilthigh cuideachd a’ tabhann cothrom dà thiocaid a bhuannachadh airson Fèis Bhealadruim 2014 ann an fharpais dhealbhan. Airson cothrom a bhith aca, tha aig daoine ris na dealbhan as fheàrr aca bhon fhèis am-bliadhna lùchdachadh a-nuas ri duilleig Facebook Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean.

Agus i a’ bruidhinn mun phàirt a bhios an t-oilthigh a’ cluich san tachartas, thuirt Mairead Antonson, manaidsear margaideachd: “Is i fèis Bhealadruim aon de thachartasan as motha air a’ Ghàidhealtachd agus anns na h-Eileanan agus is e cothrom air leth a th’ann dhuinn a bhith a’ taisbeanadh cuid de na cùrsaichean agus na h-iomairtean rannsachaidh aig ar n-àrainnean air feadh na sgìre. Bidh na h-oileanaich againn a’ toirt seachad blasad inntinneach eadar-oibreachail de na th’annainn agus na bhios sinn a’ tabhann.”

Thuirt Joe Gibbs, a chuir an fhèis air dòigh: “Tha sinn glè thoilichte gu bheil Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean aig Bella a-rithist am-bliadhna agus tha sinn a’ brosnachadh a h-uile duine a bhith a’ tadhail air trèilear an oilthigh anns an Lios Bhallach no pàirt a ghabhail ann an cuid de ghnìomhachdan eile an oilthigh a bhios a’ dol mu thimcheall na làraich. Bho bhùthan-obrach saor an asgaidh ann am buille-cheòl, deuchainnean spòrsail agus còmhlain nan oileanach, tha farsaingeachd mhòr de ghnìomhachdan aig an oilthigh don a h-uile duine. Tha làthaireachd an oilthigh cuideachd na fìor dheagh chothrom don àireamh mhòr de dhaoine a tha a’ fàgail na sgoile agus a bhios a’ frithealadh na fèise, gus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mu na cothroman foghlaim air leth a tha rim faotainn dhaibh air leac an dorais.”

Tha an fhèis a’ gabhail àite air 2 agus 3 Lùnastal, sa Mhanachainn faisg air Inbhir Nis. Am measg an luchd-ciùil bidh James, Twin Atlantic, Seasick Steve, Alabama 3, agus Noisettes. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh, tadhail air

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Contact: Susan Szymborski
Phone: 01463279210