Glasgow internet movie out on DVD

A MULTI-part film about a fictional, Glasgow ‘super hero’ has been released on DVD, after having been issued on a pay-per-view basis on the internet – across six episodes.

In total, ‘Night is Day’ – directed and produced by young Glasgow filmmaker, Fraser Coull – lasts just ten minutes short of two hours.

Says Coull: “The film follows the adventures of Jason Mackenzie, a down-on-his luck Glaswegian who finds himself bestowed with the powers of foresight and electricity which he uses to save people who are going to get attacked or killed.

“Jason is pitted against the evil Mr. Philips, who the public is a kind hearted charity supporting businessman, who is actually plotting to release a horde of demons into the world.

“Trying to stop Mr. Philips is DCI Sloan and DI Mullan, who have their own problems as Sloan finds his personal life getting to him and Mullan is worried about his pregnant girlfriend.”

APOLOGIES: the rest of this entry is unavailable, most likely because of a corrupted database.