AMS recommends… logo design article

WHEN launches with a new look in a few weeks’ time, one ambition is that readers recommend stuff, including articles that have made a strong, favourable impression on them in the Scottish press.

Of the many websites that is likely to find itself recommending on a regular basis is; comprising great advice – sometimes highly technical, other times not – updated on a daily basis.

A few days back, it was suggesting 12 essential rules on designing a logo, which thinks might be helpful for those staff journalists and photographers who have recently, or are about to, swell the ranks of the self-employed.

The rules are:

1. Preliminary work is a must

2. Create balance

3. Size matters

4. Clever use of colour

5. Design style should suit the company

6. Typography matters… a lot!

7. The goal is recognition

8. Dare to be different

9. K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid)

10. Go easy on effects

11. Develop a design ‘assembly line’

12. Use other designs for inspiration only!