P&J Driver Battles Blizzards to Deliver Papers

Newspaper delivery drivers have been overcoming all the odds in getting their precious cargoes distributed across the length and breadth of Scotland – often in the face of horrendous adversity in the Arctic weather currently being experienced.

No more so than the drivers who do the business for the Press and Journal, whose sales are predominantly garnered in the Highlands and Islands with a circulation area which covers one-sixth of the landmass of the UK.

Typical of the intrepid P&J drivers was Derek Truslove, whose regular patch includes Ross-shire, Sutherland and Caithness.

He was caught up and stranded in the blizzard on early Friday morning which led to the closure of the A9 from Brora to Thurso – but he was not for turning back and waited patiently some seven hours with 2500 papers to deliver.

When the road reopened, traffic moved in a slow convoy led by a snowplough with police at the rear. Truslove explained: “I stopped about 4.30am and got moving again at 11.30. Police were escorting us the whole way.”