Marketing slogans: a cut above the rest

THE skills of Scotland’s top marketeers was put to the test at an annual awards ceremony, held on Friday: come up with a slogan for a shop specialising in, er, circumcision.

It was a challenge set by compere, BBC Scotland presenter, Dougie Vipond, following a gag that began: “This man walks into a shop offering circumcision….”.

The 440-strong audience, attending the Scottish Marketing Society Excellence Awards, had to then quickly come up with both a name for the shop or a marketing slogan.

And the response was pretty overwhelming from the 440-strong audience, with The Scotsman marketing team’s table not only producing the most entries, but also that of the winner – from guest, Ali Findlay of PR outfit, The Lane Agency.

Spike particularly liked the The Scottish Sun entry: Reliable circumcision: If we slip, we get the sack.

And the winner? Hoody free, but blades allowed.