EDINBURGH’S bin men (and women) have been staging industrial action against council plans to reduce their wages and the Edinburgh Evening News, a week yesterday, splashed with a council threat to call in the hard-pressed British Army to clear the streets of rubbish, should the action continue.
It resulted in the clever headline: ‘From Bin Laden to laden bins’, penned by Evening News editor, Tom Little.
It was nominated by Garth Clayton for the allmediascotland.com ‘Headline of the month’ competition, run in association with Whyte & Mackay.
‘Headline of the month’ was begun last month by the site. The June winner has still to be announced (the hope being that readers can vote for it in an imminent relaunch of the site: new look, new functionality).
Up for grabs each month are bottles of Whyte & Mackay Special whisky – for both the author of the ‘best’ headline and the person who has nominated it, with the monthly winners entered in a ‘Headline of the year’ competition where two bottles, each worth an estimated £150, of Whyte & Mackay 30 year-old are the prizes.
Eligible are headlines in Scottish newspapers (national and local), plus Scottish magazines and online.