Media Release: Portree hosts free epilepsy information and awareness training events


TO get the facts about epilepsy, head over to SLCVO in Tigh Lisigarry/Bridge Road, Portree from 3-6pm on Thursday 27 August.

Epilepsy Scotland’s highly-trained staff are available to answer questions and give away lots of useful factsheets.

There’s another chance to pop along to a similar free information event on Friday 28 August. From 9.30am-12.30pm, visitors can talk about epilepsy at the exhibition in the Portree Co-op at Woodpark Road/Dunvegan Road.

The national charity is also holding a fascinating seminar about adolescent development and epilepsy on Thursday 27 August.

It takes place in the Portree Community Centre at Camanachd Square from 3pm-5.30pm. This free event is open to anyone who is interested in adolescence, be it teenagers, parents or those who work with young people.

The first session covers how epilepsy can affect adolescent thinking and brain development. The second session looks at the impact of sleep deprivation on mental health and learning for teenagers with epilepsy, and considers possible solutions.

On Friday 28 August, local health, social work, teaching and voluntary sector workers can enjoy a no-cost epilepsy awareness training session in Portree Community Centre. The certified CPD course will update their professional knowledge and skills in supporting people with epilepsy. This awareness training is also open to any individuals with epilepsy and to their family and friends.

Epilepsy Scotland chief executive, Lesslie Young, said: “Epilepsy is a far more common condition than people realise. It affects one person in every 97 of the Scottish population and over 25 people here in Portree.

“We know from calls to our helpline that a diagnosis of epilepsy impacts not just a person’s physical health but their emotional and mental wellbeing as well.

“Our innovative ‘Bridging the Gap’ project provides more than free information events across Scotland to help people learn the basics about epilepsy. Through our awareness training, school talks and seminars we aim to equip many others to respond appropriately as situations arise.”

Anyone wishing to attend the epilepsy awareness training or evening seminar must book in advance to reserve a free place by calling 0141 427 4911 or emailing


Notes to editor

1. Photo opportunity

Press photos can be taken at 3.30pm at SLCVO, IV51 9ER and at the Portree Community Centre IV51 9BW. Photos can also be taken at 10.30am on Friday 28 August at the Portree Co-op, IV51 9HQ and in the Portree Centre, IV51 9BW. Epilepsy Scotland’s contact officers will be available for interview beforehand and at the event.

2. Epilepsy Scotland works with people affected by epilepsy to ensure that their voice is heard. We campaign for improved healthcare, better information provision and an end to stigma. This common serious neurological condition affects one in 97 people. We represent the estimated 54,000 people with epilepsy, their families and carers. Our freephone Helpline (0808 800 2200) offers support and information. People can email (, text 07786 209501, find us on facebook, use twitter @epilepsy_scot or visit:

3. For more details please contact: Allana Parker, public affairs officer, on: 0141 419 1701 or 07884 012 147.

MEDIA RELEASE issued by Epilepsy Scotland. You too can post your story ideas for journalists (aka press or media releases), on Email here for more information.

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Epilepsy Scotland contact details…

Contact: Allana Parker
Phone: 07884012147