Poll reveals reduced support for ‘Scottish Six’

SUPPORT for a ‘Scottish Six’ news programme on the BBC – where local, national and international news is all produced from Scotland – has fallen during the last four years, according to a survey.

Reports The Scotsman today, 63 per cent of people surveyed by YouGov said they wanted to keep the BBC Six o’Clock News, with the Scottish news following. Four years ago – during a similar exercise – the figure was 60 per cent.

Some 1,053 Scottish adults were asked: What should Scotland do about its BBC news broadcasting? The options were ‘keep present arrangement’, ‘one Scottish programme covering all news’ and ‘don’t know’.

An accompanying graph in The Scotsman shows support now for the first option at 63 per cent, up three per cent on four years ago; support for the second option circa 36 per cent, down circa five per cent on four years ago; and circa five per cent saying ‘don’t know’, up circa three per cent on four years ago.