The Media in Figures: Attitudes towards local content on local radio

WHEN asked, by broadcasting regulators, Ofcom , to what extent, if at all, are they interested in hearing or reading about various topics, such as weather and sport, listeners of local radio (both BBC local/national and commercial local radio) responded as follows:

Local news – very interested or fairly interested: England 85 per cent, 84 per cent Northern Ireland, 88 per cent Scotland and 83 per cent Wales;

News about their nation – very interested or fairly interested: 87 per cent Northern Ireland, 95 per cent Scotland and 8- per cent Wales (no figure for England);

UK/international news – very interested or fairly interested: England 85 per cent, 84 per cent Northern Ireland, 79 per cent Scotland and 76 per cent Wales;

Weather – very interested or fairly interested: England 85 per cent, 77 per cent Northern Ireland, 84 per cent Scotland and 80 per cent Wales;

Local events – very interested or fairly interested: England 73 per cent, 63 per cent Northern Ireland, 75 per cent Scotland and 66 per cent Wales;

Traffic/travel – very interested or fairly interested: England 65 per cent, 45 per cent Northern Ireland, 60 per cent Scotland and 60 per cent Wales;

Discussion of local issues – very interested or fairly interested: England 62 per cent, 64 per cent Northern Ireland, 63 per cent Scotland and 60 per cent Wales; and

Sport – very interested or fairly interested: England 48 per cent, 48 per cent Northern Ireland, 41 per cent Scotland and 49 per cent Wales.

Source: Ofcom, July 26 2013: Here.