The Media in Figures: BBC Scotland, BBC Radio Scotland, etc broadcasting hours, 2013/14

DURING the year, April 2013 to March 2014, BBC Scotland broadcast 191.01 hours of current affairs programming, local to it (ie on BBC Scotland alone as opposed to current affairs programming broadcast UK-wide, including Scotland).

And among the various other genres, the content-local-to-BBC-Scotland hour totals were as follows:

Arts 8.1

Comedy 1.9

Drama 51.72

Entertainment 2.25

Factual 58.74

Factual entertainment 13.47

Music performance 15.47

News and weather 304.44

Religion/beliefs 1.71

Learning 0.48

Sport 168.74

That made a grand total of 818.05. Add repeats that were also local to BBC Scotland, and the figure rises to 928.16.

Meanwhile, BBC Radio Scotland broadcast 8,070 hours of content local to it, plus a further 706 hours of repeated local content, bringing its total for 2013/14 to 8,776 hours.

The Gaelic language radio station, BBC Radio nan Gaidheal, broadcast 3,594 of content local to it, plus a further 1,225 hours of repeated local content, bringing its total for 2013/14 to 4,819 hours.

Regarding BBC ALBA – which is a joint venture between the BBC and the Gaelic media service, MG ALBA, the figures break down for 2013/14, as follows:

News and current affairs 177.76

Other BBC-funded programme 27.9

MG-funded programmes 442

Joint-funded programme 1.97

That’s a total of 649.63 hours. Add 1,974.46 hours of repeats and BBC ALBA’s total hours (of content local to it, but then all of its content is local to it) for 2013/14 was 2,624.09.

Source: BBC annual report, 2013/14. Publ. July 21 2014.