Media release: Event to explore the benefits of Gaelic in business | Tachartas gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air buannachdan na Gàidhlig ann an gnothachas


CAN Gaelic be a bonus in business? This will be the topic of the latest lunchtime seminar offered by the University of the Highlands and Islands.

International business expert, Seonaidh MacDonald, will talk about his experiences of using Gaelic in a global business context. A native of Uist, Seonaidh’s career has taken him around the world. His last venture was to build Scottish augmented reality company MLed into a leading manufacturing business which was sold to Facebook in a multimillion pound deal.

Speaking about his experiences, Seonaidh explains: “Having Gaelic as another fluent language has allowed me to see how others can sometimes find difficulty in some of the nuances of English. This can lead to a degree of an empathy with other parties in, for example, multilingual negotiations and, as a result, can help to build trust and lead to stronger overall business relationships being formed.”

Gary I Campbell, the university’s key account director, organised the event. He added: “Seonaidh’s experience shows that, where many people would assume having Gaelic as a first language might be a barrier, in fact it has been a bonus.”

The seminar, entitled ‘What’s the Gaelic for Entrepreneur?’, will be delivered in Gaelic, with English translation available. It will take place from 12.30pm to 1:30pm on Thursday 16 November at the An Lòchran building on Inverness Campus and can also be attended by video conference.

The University of the Highlands and Islands business lunch series is delivered in association with Highlands and Islands Enterprise and SSE. For more information and to book, visit

Tachartas gus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air buannachdan na Gàidhlig ann an gnothachas

Am faod a’ Ghàidhlig a bhith na buannachd ann an gnothachas? Is e seo cuspair an ath sheimineir àm lòin aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean.

Bidh an t-eòlaiche gnothachais eadar-nàiseanta, Seonaidh Dòmhnallach, a’ bruidhinn mun eòlas a chuir esan air a bhith a’ cleachdadh na Gàidhlig ann an co-theacsa gnothachais cruinneil. Agus e à Uibhist bho thùs, tha dreuchd Sheonaidh air a thoirt timcheall an t-saoghail. B’ e an iomairt mu dheireadh aige a bhith a’ togail na companaidh riochdalachd leasaichte Albannach Mled gus an robh i na sàr ghnothachas saothrachaidh a chaidh a reic ri Facebook ann an cùmhnant ioma-mhillean.

Agus e a’ bruidhinn air a bheatha, tha Seonaidh ag innse: “Le Gàidhlig a bhith agam gu fileanta tha e air leigeil fhaicinn dhomh mar a dh’fhaodas daoine uaireannan duilgheadas fhaighinn ann an cuid de mhion-phuingean cèille sa Bheurla. Faodaidh seo leantainn gu co-fhaireachdainn gu ìre le pàrtaidhean eile ann an còmhraidhean ioma-chànanach, mar eisimpleir, agus mar thoradh air a sin faodaidh e cuideachd earbsa a thogail agus faodaidh dàimhean gnothachais nas làidire a bhith air an cruthachadh san fharsaingeachd.”

B’ e Gary I Caimbeul, stiùiriche prìomh chunntasan an oilthigh, a chuir an tachartas air dòigh. Thuirt esan: “Tha an eachdraidh aig Seonaidh a’ sealltainn, ged a shaoileadh mòran dhaoine gum b’ e cnap-starra a bhiodh ann a’ Ghàidhlig a bhith aig duine mar chiad chànan, gun e buannachd a bh’ ann, gu dearbh.”

Thèid an seiminear, leis an tiotal ‘What’s the Gaelic for Entrepreneur?’, a lìbhrigeadh sa Ghàidhlig, le eadar-theangachadh gu Beurla. Thèid a chumail eadar 12.30f agus 1.30f air Diardaoin 16 Samhain aig An Lòchran air Àrainn Inbhir Nis agus tro cho-labhairt bhideo.

Tha an sreath de thachartasan gnothachais àm lòin aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean ga lìbhrigeadh ann an co-bhann ri Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus SSE. Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh agus clàradh, tadhail air

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