Media release: MG ALBA welcomes board appointments


MG ALBA is delighted that broadcasting regulators, Ofcom, has today announced four appointments to its board.

Lisa Annette, Rhoda MacDonald and Iain MacMillan will take up their roles on 1 January 2020 and Ceit-Anna MacLeod will join the Board on 1 May 2020. All four have been appointed for terms of four years.

Ofcom’s announcement contains new member biographies.

MG ALBA’s chair, Allan MacDonald, welcomed the news, saying: “I am delighted to welcome these four very talented individuals to join the MG ALBA board beginning in the New Year. As a team we will have very significant challenges to overcome in the next five years, including funding, technology, and distribution amongst other broadcasting hurdles.

“It’s a time of great challenge and change as we approach 100 years of Gaelic broadcasting in 2023, and it is our job to ensure high quality multi-platform content distribution in collaboration with our BBC partners.

“Let us be clear that the expectations of our young people have never been higher.

“Our new board colleagues will help us in pursuit of the answers we believe are needed to the mounting challenges and risks that Gaelic media faces. They – like all of us – have a big part to play.”

** MG ALBA a’ cur fàilte bhlàth air buill ùra
Tha MG ALBA fìor thoilichte gu bheil Ofcom air innse an-diugh gun deach ceathrar bhall ùra a shuidheachadh air bòrd MG ALBA.

Tòisichidh Lisa Annette, Rhoda NicDhòmhnaill agus Iain Mac a’ Mhaolain air 1 Faoilleach 2020 agus Ceit-Anna NicLeòid air 1 Cèitean 2020. Bidh gach neach suidhichte airson ceithir bliadhna.

Tha fiosrachadh-beatha nam ball ùra ri fhaotainn san fhios-labhairt aig Ofcom.

Chuir cathraiche MG ALBA Ailean Dòmhnullach fàilte air an naidheachd: “Tha mi air leth toilichte fàilte a chur air a’ cheathrar sàr-thàlantach seo gu Bòrd MG ALBA a’ tòiseachadh sa Bhliadhn’ Ùir. Mar sgioba tha dùbhlain romhainn sa chòig bliadhna air thoiseach mu thimcheall maoineachaidh, teicneòlais agus sgaoilidh a thuilleadh air cnapan-starraidh eile an lùib craoladh.

“’S e àm mòr-dhùbhlain agus mòr-atharrachaidh a th’ ann agus sinn a’ teannadh dlùth ri 100 bliadhna de chraoladh Gàidhlig ann an 2023, agus ’s e ar n-obair dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil susbaint ioma-ùrlair de dh’àrd-chàileachd air a sgaoileadh ann an co-obrachadh le ar com-pàirtichean am BBC.

“Feumaidh sinn a bhith mothachail nach robh dùilean dhaoine òga a-riamh cho àrd ’s a tha iad a-nis.

“Cuidichidh ar buill ùra ann a bhith a’ sireadh nam freagairtean air a bheil feum gus faighinn seachad air na dùbhlain agus na riosgan a tha mu choinneimh nam meadhanan Gàidhlig. Bidh pàirt mhòr acasan – mar a th’ aig a h-uile duine againn – ri choileanadh.”

Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA.

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