Media release: Fantastic new series of music programmes starts this Saturday on BBC ALBA


AN exciting new series of music programmes featuring exclusive interviews with some of Scotland’s top musicians from over the years, begins on BBC ALBA on Saturday, April 11.

ALT is presented by Kim Carnie and Dol Eòin Mackinnon, and the series of five programmes features a mix of headline bands that perform live sets in front of an audience at Glasgow University’s Queen Margaret Union.

Headliners include Edinburgh rock band Idlewild, Sunderland post-punk band The Futureheads, Glasgow indie rock band Attic Lights, Glasgow singer-songwriter Declan Welsh and his band The Decadent West and guitar-pop group Astrid, which was formed in Glasgow with two band members from the Isle of Lewis.

Presenter, Kim Carnie, said: “It has been a treat working on ALT and discovering new bands and music. Talking to artists, some of whom work on a similar scale to me but in a completely different scene, has been fascinating.

“Too many highlights to list them all, but listening to Declan Welsh’s stories, his approach to his music, as well as Tamzene’s set were a delight. ALT provides a platform and space for these bands and singers to share their art.”

The first episode includes a set from Idlewild, who are touring later this year to mark their 25th anniversary, plus sessions from Tamzene – a 19 year-old singer-songwriter from Cromarty in the Scottish highlands and the sensational Scottish rock band, Sacred Paws. James Grant of the rock/soul/funk band formed in Glasgow, Love and Money, also drops in to talk about his life in music.

Other session recordings throughout the series feature a range of artists, from those up and coming to well-established names, recorded in an intimate setting at independent art and events space, the Glue Factory in Glasgow.

With performances from Scottish musician and member of Indie band Arab Strap Malcolm Middleton, Edinburgh band, Broken Records, a four-piece band whose roots run all across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland down to the West End and South Side of Glasgow – Tidelines, Sacred Paws, Scottish singer-songwriter from Torrance in East Dunbartonshire – Tommy Reilly.

Plus Glasgow singer-songwriter, Scarlett Randle (originally from the north east of Scotland), Glasgow-based Indie/Alt Rock/Pop band Freakwave, and Nu folk singer-songwriter and acoustic musician, Zoe Bestel, from Dumfries and Galloway.

The programmes also have exclusive ‘Legacy Interviews’ with some of Scotland’s top musicians from over the years, looking back at the singles and their music videos that brought their careers into the limelight.

Interviewees include James Grant, of Love and Money, Jon Fratelli, of The Fratellis, Tracyanne Campbell and Gavin Dunbar, of Camera Obscura, Amanda MacKinnon and Steven Clark, of Bis, and Innes Strachan and Ruairidh Graham, of Niteworks.

ALT is on BBC ALBA on Saturday evenings from 9pm to 10pm and starts on April 11. It’s also available on the BBC iPlayer for 30 days afterwards.

Bidh sreath aighearach, ùr de phrògraman ciùil a bhios a’ gabhail a-steach agallamhan sònraichte le cuid den luchd-ciùil as cliùitiche ann an Alba thar nam bliadhnaichean, a’ tòiseachadh air BBC ALBA air Disathairne 11 Giblean.

Tha ALT air a lìbhrigeadh le Kim Carnie agus Dol Eòin MacFhionghain, agus anns an t-sreath seo de chòig prògraman, chithear measgachadh de chòmhlain a’ taisbeanadh beò air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd ann an QMU Oilthigh Ghlaschu.

Am measg na bhios a’ gabhail pàirt tha an còmhlan Idlewild à Dun Èideann, The Futureheads à Sunderland, Attic Lights à Glaschu, an seinneadair-sgrìobhaiche Declan Welsh le a chòmhlan The Decadent West, agus Astrid, còmhlan a thàinig ri chèile ann an Glaschu ach le ceanglaichean làidir ri Eilean Leòdhais.

Thuirt Kim Carnie: “’S e fìor thlachd a bha ann a bhith ag obair air ALT agus a’ cur eòlas air còmhlain
ùr agus ceòl ùr. Tha e air a bhith iongantach dhomh a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri luchd-ciùil a tha an sàs aig ìre car coltach rium fhìn ach ann an saoghal ciùil gu tur eadar-dhealaichte.”

“Bhiodh e ro dhoirbh a h-uile rud a bha sònraichte ainmeachadh, ach ’s e toileachas air leth a bha ann dhomh a bhith ag èisteachd ris a’ cheòl agus na stòiridhean aig Declan Welsh agus an ceòl aig Tamzene. Tha ALT a’ tabhann àrd-ùrlar do chòmhlan agus do sheinneadairean an ealantas a roinn le daoine eile.”

Anns a’ chiad phrògram chithear Idlewild, a tha a’ comharrachadh 25 bliadhna bho chaidh an còmhlan a stèidheachadh, Tamzene, seinneadair is sgrìobhaiche a tha naoi bliadhna deug agus a bhuineas do Chromba air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, agus an còmhlan Sacred Paws. Bidh James Grant bhon chòmhlan Love and Money, a’ tadhal agus a’ còmhradh mu a bheatha ann an ceòl.

Tron t-sreath chithear seiseanan clàraidh bho ruigse de luchd-ciùil, eadar feadhainn a tha ùr agus feadhainn a tha glè stèidhichte sa ghnìomhachas, le na clàraidhean sin a’ tighinn à ionad tachartasan an Glue Factory ann an Glaschu

Nam measg bidh taisbeanaidhean bho Malcolm Middleton a tha na bhall den chòmhlan Arab Strap, Broken Records à Dun Èideann, Tidelines le freumhan air feadh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean agus baile Glaschu, an còmhlan Sacred Paws agus Tommy Reilly seinneadair is sgrìobhaiche à Dùn Breatainn an Ear.

A bharrachd air an sin, chithear an seinneadair-sgrìobhaiche Scarlett Randle a bhuineas bho thùs do dh’ear-thuath Alba, an còmhlan Freakwave à Glaschu agus an seinneadair-sgrìobhaiche Zoe Bestel à Dùn Phris is Gallghaidheil.

Cuideachd, tha cothrom sònraichte air a bhith aig na prògraman seo air “Agallamhan Dìleabach” a chaidh a dhèanamh le luchd-ciùil chliùiteach Albannach thar nam bliadhnaichean, agus a bhios a’ toirt sùil air ais air na clàran agus na bhideothan a thug gu aire a’ mhòr-shluaigh iad.

Am measg an luchd-agallaimh tha James Grant bho Love and Money, Jon Fratelli bho The Fratellis, Tracyanne Campbell & Gavin Dunbar bho Camera Obscura, Amanda MacKinnon & Steven Clark bho Bis agus Innes Strachan & Ruairidh Graham bho Niteworks.

Bidh ALT air BBC ALBA air oidhche Shathairne eadar 9f is 10f, a’ tòiseachadh air 11 Giblean, agus bidh an t-sreath ri fhaotainn air iPlayer a’ BhBC airson 30 latha thar an àm craolaidh.

Issued by Electrify Marketing & Communications on behalf of MG ALBA.

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