Media Release: No Time to Lose; lack of work/life balance the theme of new exhibition

ARE you one of the many people spending too much time at work?

Eating lunch at your desk?

Addicted to your Blackberry and not able to switch it off, even on holiday?

PEACOCK’S Visual Arts’ new exhibition, No Time to Lose, is about all of this, and more.

The show, a first in the UK and curated for Peacock Visual Arts by Canadian curator, Milena Placentile, opens in Aberdeen on Thursday night 12 June, 6pm and runs from 13 June – 26 July.

Says a spokesperson: “No Time to Lose responds to the decline of personal time experienced in many parts of the world due to increased hours spent working. The negative effects of overwork are widespread, including health and relationship problems, accidents caused by cutting corners or fatigue, and social and political disengagement, yet many of us feel at a loss over what to do.

“The show includes multimedia works, both in the gallery and in public space, by seven international artists – Amy Alexander (USA), Cathy Busby (CAN), Anja Hertenberger (DE/NL) and Anja Steidinger (DE/ES), Saki Satom (JP/UK), Abigail Schoneboom (UK/USA), and Tobaron Waxman (CAN/USA).

“The show draws attention to the unsustainability of social and economic systems that do not afford people sufficient time outside of work. It attempts to contribute to global efforts directed at motivating and mobilising people to trust their instincts and take back their time.

“Many of the featured artworks are new and never shown in the UK before.”

MEDIA RELEASE posted by Peacock Visual Arts. You too can post a media release (aka a press release) on For more info, click here.

Contact: Nina Eggens
Phone: 01224-652997