Media Release: Tackle empty homes with new housing innovation fund

SHELTER Scotland welcomes the focus on innovation and value-for-money and calls on the Scottish Government to pay special attention to empty homes.

Graeme Brown, director of Shelter Scotland, the housing and homelessness charity, says:

“Some of the £10 million earmarked for innovation would be well-spent bringing private sector empty homes back into use. £1 million could kick-start a programme of grants and loans aimed at tackling the blight of empty properties.”


Notes to Editors:

1.    Shelter Scotland, the housing and homelessness charity. Shelter Scotland believes that everyone should have a home. We help people find and keep a home. We campaign for decent housing for all.

2.    Spokespeople are available for interview, telephone the media office on 0844 515 2442. An ISDN line number is available for broadcast interviews.

3.    For more information about Shelter Scotland visit

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Contact: Neil Baldwin
Phone: 0844 525 2442
