Website has designs on relieving the pressure on health authorities

WITH many GP surgeries closed over the Christmas and New Year break, it is now possible to instead interrogate a website, for tips on staying healthy and checking out any symptoms of illness.

Designed by one of Scotland’s leading digital communications agencies, the site has also been created with a view to taking some of the pressure of NHSScotland’s out-of-hours service.

Described as a ‘micro site’, that can be found within, the work done by Glasgow-based Dog Digital is part of NHSScotland’s winter health campaign.

NHSScotland is usually at its busiest during the winter.

Says Dog Digital: “The micro site provides self-care advice, pharmacy opening times, advises people to arrange repeat prescriptions in advance, provides hints and tips on dealing with winter illnesses, and encourages people with common winter ailments to wait to see their GP to make a routine appointment. For urgent health-care advice, people are advised to call NHS 24.”