The Media in Figures: Internet access, including of news sites

SOME 55 per cent of adults in Great Britain are estimated to use the internet to access news, including newspaper and magazine content, according to figures released by the Office for National Statistics.

And, at 55 per cent, accessing online news and newspapers and magazine content is estimated to be the third-most popular online activity, behind receiving and sending emails and finding information about goods and services.

The figure last year was 47 per cent and the year before 42 per cent.

Adds the latest Opinions and Lifestyle Survey from the ONS, 73 per cent of people aged 16 and over are estimated to access the internet on a daily basis, compared to 35 per cent seven years ago.

Other figures include:

* 72 per cent of GB adults aged between 25 and 34 read or download online news or newspapers or magazines;

* In 2007, some 20 per cent of GB adults were estimated to read or download online news or newspapers or magazines;

* Internet access using a mobile phone has risen from 24 per cent three years ago to 53 per cent this year (comprising 57 per cent men and 49 per cent women);

* 61 per cent of the GB adult population are estimated to have accessed the internet ‘on the go’ (using a mobile phone or a portable computer);

* Access to the internet has increased from an estimated 55 per cent of GB households in 2005 to 83 per cent this year.

Source: Office for National Statistics, ‘Internet Access – Households and Individuals, 2013′, August 8 2013.